“At the very moment that China has moved to the center of global politics, Bates Gill has produced a Rosetta Stone-like guide to understanding Xi Jinping’s worldview.”

Evan Medeiros, Georgetown University

“Bates Gill offers the clearest picture yet of ‘what China wants.’”

Michael J. Green, Center for Strategic and International Studies

“Daring to Struggle should be read by all serious China watchers.”

David Shambaugh, George Washington University

Bates Gill has a decades-long international career as a think tank leader, policy advisor, consultant, author, media commentator, and public speaker. An academically-trained and internationally-respected specialist on China and Indo-Pacific affairs, he has led a global top-ten think tank, directed research centers at world-leading universities and public policy research institutions in the United States, Europe, and Asia, and consulted for governments, businesses, and philanthropies.